Year Established: 2011
Head Brewer: James Taylor
City/Town: Barnsley
County: South Yorkshire
Size Plant: 8 BBL
Tours: No
Click and Collect: No
Sell Merchandise: No
Two Roses Brewery started brewing in March 2011 producing specialist beers in 9 gallon casks and bottles both for quaffing at home and in bars, pubs, clubs and restaurants throughout the area.
Our brewery is a small family owned independent brewery and is dedicated to brewing high quality real ale using only the finest ingredients, Yorkshire water, malted barley and hops.
Brewing takes place on an 8 barrel plant supplied and installed by David Porter, a well known brewery consultant from Bury – just over the Pennines from our home in Darton.
Two Roses Brewery beer are available via mail order, please click here for details.Find Us
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