Year Established: 2007
Head Brewer: Phil Briggs
City/Town: East Pennard
County: Somerset
Tours: No
Click and Collect: No
Sell Merchandise: No
Having always been interested in the process of brewing we have dabbled a little with homebrew and home made country wines over the years. The natural progression was, of course, to start making cider - Somerset's finest export!
Our first small batch of cider we made just over three years ago was very popular with the locals so we decided to make a little more and this was just as well received! Since then we have been nominated as Best Drink Producer in the Blackmore Vale Taste of Somerset awards and won a Second in class at this year's Royal Bath & West of England Show.
We manage to source our cider apples nearby from old, well established orchards that we have lovingly cared for to bring them back into healthy production. This is reflected with the quality of the juice that we extract and use to make Fosseway and Somerset Glory cider.
Now that you have found us on '' why not order some and experience our cider for yourself?
Phil + Sally
Fosseway Cider is available via mail order, please click here for details.
Fosseway Cider bag in boxes (polypin) are available nationally via Cider 2 U Service.
If you are unsure and want to know if Fosseway Cider can deliver to you, please email us at [email protected].
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