Year Established: 2003
Head Brewer: Andy Thompstone
City/Town: Dartmoor
County: Devon
Tours: No
Click and Collect: No
Sell Merchandise: No
Thompstone Cider
Thompstone's Ciders are hand crafted from pure apple juice by natural fermentation and are free from added yeasts or chemicals. Our aim is to produce real Devon ciders with "Quality, Strength and Purity". As a small company we are able to be very hands on in our approach and get the best from our fruit which grow in the Holy Brook orchard near Holne on south Dartmoor and lower down in the Dart Valley.Delivery
Not currently available to the public.Trade Delivery
Thompstone Cider bag in boxes (polypin) are available nationally via Cider 2 U Service.
If you are unsure and want to know if Thompstone Cider can deliver to you, please email us at [email protected].
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