Year Established: 1993
Head Brewer: Philippe Gerard
City/Town: Ellezelles
Tours: No
Click and Collect: No
Sell Merchandise: No
The Brasserie Ellezelloise (pronounced “EL-ZEL-WOZ”), is located in the town of Ellezelles in the gentle “hill country” of Belgium. Founded in 1993, the tiny brewery manages to produce 1000 hectolitres per year - the most of any brewery of the Belgian Artisanal Brewers Guild. Housed in a picturesque converted barn in French-speaking Belgium, the brewery includes a cosy café to which the local folk and connoisseurs from Brussels love to repair on weekend afternoons. There you can enjoy a wonderful Ellezelloise brew, served by the brewer.
Ellezelloise Brewery beers are available via mail order, please click here for details.
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