Year Established: 2009
Head Brewer: Pips Cider
City/Town: Hereford
County: Herefordshire
Tours: No
Click and Collect: No
Sell Merchandise: No
Pips Cider is an award winning family owned craft cider producer based in the beautiful Golden Valley, in Herefordshire, England.
Pips Cider is made from a subtle and unique blend of seven varieties of cider apples grown on our own farm. It contains 100% apple juice with no additives or flavourings. The blending process allows the different characteristics of each apple variety to complement each other.
Pips Cider is a perfect alternative to wine with a meal, and for special occasions why not buy a bottle for a friend or relative? For weddings receptions and parties make your table dressing attractive, whilst giving your guests something different to begin the proceedings.
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