Year Established: 2002
Head Brewer: Ynyr Jeffreys-Evans
City/Town: Llangollen
County: Clywd
Size Plant: 2.5 BBL
Tours: No
Click and Collect: No
Sell Merchandise: No
Llangollen Brewery
Here at Llangollen Brewery, we only use the finest ingredients and local underground water source to produce our distinctive Country Ales. Our family run Brewery has kept alive the historical tradition of brewing in Llangollen.
Llangollen Brewery is located in the heart of some of the most beautiful countryside in the British Isles. A few yards from the Craft Brewery is Eliseg's Pillar, a memorial erected by a former Prince of Powys over 1,000 years ago.
Llangollen Brewery beers are available via mail order, please click here for details.Find Us
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