Year Established: 2009
Head Brewer: Steve Goryll
City/Town: Bicester
County: Oxfordshire
Size Plant: 40 BBL
Tours: No
Click and Collect: No
Sell Merchandise: No
Oxfordshire Ales is an award-winning craft brewery on the outskirts of Marsh Gibbon on the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire borders.
We use traditional brewing methods and the finest ingredients – traditional Floor Malt from Warminster Maltings, Britain’s oldest working floor maltings and premium hop varieties to balance with bitterness and impart characteristic flavours. Rather unusually, we brew with our own spring water, historically known for its healing properties and drawn from the Marsh Gibbon village spring at Stump Well.
Oxfordshire Ales are easy drinking, reassuring and approachable and designed to appeal to veteran ale drinkers and those new to drinking real ale.
Oxfordshire Ales beers are available via mail order, please click here for details.Find Us
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