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Bristol Hefe - 12 x 500ml Bottles - Bristol Beer Factory

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Product code: 430

Availability: In stock

Quick Overview:

Zippy and zesty, with flavours of banana, bubblegum and hints of grapefruit. A rich aroma of banana and cloves. It is a very refreshing beer, perfect for a sunny day.


Zippy and zesty, with flavours of banana, bubblegum and hints of grapefruit. A rich aroma of banana and cloves. It is a very refreshing beer, perfect for a sunny day.

In the 18th Century the Irish (tired of importing Porters and Stouts from Bristol and London) started making their own Stouts. A few hundred years later the Bristol Beer Factory (tired of importing Stout from Ireland) created a tasty blend of 7 malts to rival the most flavoursome beers of this style.


Great Taste Gold Star 2011
Taste of the West Silver 2011