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Large Belgium Beer Hamper - 15 Bottles

Large Belgium Beer Hamper - 15 Bottles

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Product code: 968

Availability: In stock

Quick Overview:

15 Bottle Belgium Beer Hamper

Contains the below beers*:

Chimay Red Cap

Rochefort 6


Bosteels Kwak

Bosteels Tripel Karmeliet


Westmalle Dubbel

Floris Frambois

Achouffe - La Chouffe

Maredsous - Blonde

Timmermans - Kriek

St Bernardus - Pater 6

Poperinges Hommelbier


Vedett Extra White

*Please note where stock in unavailable a similar substitute of equal or higher value will be used.



15 Bottle Belgium Beer Hamper

Contains the below beers*:

Chimay - Red Cap
Rochefort 6
Bosteels - Kwak
Bosteels - Tripel Karmeliet
Westmalle Dubbel
Achouffe - La Chouffe
Maredsous - Blonde
St Bernardus - Pater 6
Poperinges Hommelbier
Vedett Extra White

*Please note where stock in unavailable a similar substitute of equal or higher value will be used.