Year Established: 1983
Head Brewer: George Stranahan
City/Town: Frederick
County: Maryland
Size Plant: 50 BBL
Tours: No
Click and Collect: No
Sell Merchandise: No
Flying Dog Brewery is a beer brewery now located in Frederick, Maryland, United States. Originally opening in Aspen, Colorado in 1990 as a brewpub, it became the first brewery to open in Aspen in over 100 years, and one of the first brewpubs in the Rocky Mountain region. In 1991, Flying Dog’s “Doggie Style” was bottled and won the “The Best Pale Ale in America” award at the Great American Beer Festival.
The reputation of Flying Dog beers grew quickly, and demand soon exceeded the brewpub’s capacity. So, in 1994 Flying Dog opened a 50-barrel brewery in Denver, Colorado from which its ales were distributed to more than 45 states of the United States.
Flying Dog beers are available via mail order, please click here for details.
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